“Sattva” [ suht-vuh ] - from Sanskrit
Quality of goodness, purity, wholesomeness, and virtue
Sattva is an Automation Testing Platform built on-top of Selenium. Offers both Cloud based SaaS Solution or On-Site setup
We offer Free Implementation as part of your Subscription. Sattva goes beyond promises and bring reality.
Sattva manages all of your software testing needs. Writing Test Scripts, Implementing Automation Scripts, Running & Monitoring Defects, Maintaining Automation Scripts, Handling Release Schedules etc.,
Sattva Solutions, LLC is a privately-owned company located in the suburbs of Washington D.C, USA. Sattva manages all of your software testing needs. We provide Onsite, Offshore and Hybrid solutions that meet your specific requirements. Sattva’s Subscription model is bundled with Implementation. At this time, we are inviting Channel Partners to promote Sattva solution. If you are interested in becoming a channel partner, click here to submit an engagement form
We mix all detailed things together